Web3/Crypto is a trillion $ industry.
Yet, there are only 18.000 web3 developers.
Hardly enough for mass adoption, right?
But what if there was a company that simplified the creation of Web3 dApps, reducing development time from months to minutes?
Meet @AndromedaProt
The ChallengeBlockchain tech is great; I don’t have to convince you. But, although there is plenty of innovation, there is (still) no mass adoption. Why?One variable web3 development is still difficult. Some challenges are:
Every web3 project needs to create its own UI.
Smart contract design is clunky, limiting quality, innovation, and, ultimately, adoption.
Because of this difficulty (and probably our image), web2 developers don’t make the jump to web3.
The Solution
Andromeda identified these challenges and decided to build an operating system for creating and using applications on a decentralized blockchain infrastructure called aOS. Developers can create solutions that integrate across projects and chains. aOS supports blockchains running on CosmWasm (I love this word, haha), so the entire Cosmos Ecosystem, Solana, Terra, and some Avalanche L2s can access the full power of the aOS.
Andromeda’s promise: reduce development time from months to minutes.
They created Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs), which are a breakthrough in modular, composable smart contract architecture. They are smart-contract blocks that developers can use via a drag-and-drop UI. Examples of ADOs are staking, Crowdfunding, Storage, Airdrops, and Marketplaces.
There are numerous obvious benefits to such an on-chain operating system (flexibility, efficiency, etc), but IMO, the biggest ones are:
Web3 developers can develop WAY faster and thus innovate more.
It allows companies to innovate/tinker with web3 tech FAR more easily.
If you believe that in the future, most transactions will take place - and value is stored - on-chain, the TAM is huge. Andromeda first targets web3 developers, which I think is smart. If they succeed, Andromeda can become the go-to toolset for web3 developers.
This is how I conceptualize it: I built my first website 10 years ago. I had to use WordPress, and if I wanted to move an image, I had to change the code. Always ended up being a sh*t show, haha! I made a new website a couple of weeks ago. Took me an hour because of the tooling layers built on top of traditional web infrastructure.
The Team
Andromeda’s ambitions are big. Do they have a team in place that would be able to realize those ambitions? I think they do. There are four core contributors for whom Andromeda isn’t their first rodeo:
Cody Marx Bailey: Co-authored the ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token standard for the Ethereum Chain. (
Brendan Cooper: led technology strategy implementation for tech companies (Great communicator btw)
Connor Barr: Full stack, Cosm/Wasm, and blockchain integrated web and DApp development.
Mant Hawkins: Multiple time Founder and CEO in the real estate sector. Also, a TOPGUN instructor. So, that basically makes him the real life Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell.
In total, there are roughly 15 working on/at Andromeda.
The Tokenomics:
Current Marketcap: 12m
FDV: 490M
Date: 30/01
* Max number of tokens: (1 Billion)
* I think the strategic sale % is high.
* Validator rewards are pre-mined so $ANDR is not inflationary.
* TGE was in December. Unlocking tokens won’t be much in the first months. After that, there is definitely possible sell pressure (probably not immediately, though because of the uptrend of the market and unlocks and emissions start slow)
Their tokenomics design might cause some serious buy pressure too. The $ANDR token serves too purposes: to secure the Andromeda blockchain and to fuel the aOS. Especially the second utility makes me bullish. Transaction within the aOS can be done using $ANDR.
Now, the aOS was built with network effects in mind. They already have partnerships with eight of the biggest cosmos chains (come back to this later). Users can pay for ADO’s and applications using $ANDR or the native chain token. If Andromeda succeeds, the aOS will bring more value to the blockchains its built on.
Their Tokenomics model is quite sophisticated. You can read it here
The Adoption:
- They have been building for 2 years
- Partnership-wise, the @AndromedaProt team is nailing it. They are currently integrated with $INJ, $TERRA, $STARS, $SCRT, $JUNO, $ARCH and $SEI,$ORAI and $AXL are coming.
- They also had 700+ testnet applications in 48 hours.Projects such as Jackal and Qwoyn. Terra, Archway, Secret are using their tech.
There is definite corporate interest. The team told me they are speaking with multiple companies.
The Competition
To my knowledge, they have no direct competitors.
The reasons 'why not'
Let me preface this by saying that I really like this project and am going to invest in it.
That being said, I think their main challenge is the lack of an exciting narrative they can leverage to get eyeballs on the project. But maybe this is just me looking from an investor perspective. The second obvious challenge lies in the adoption of their tech. Can they create a product/market fit and become a primary tool for web3 development?
The road ahead:
The Andromeda blockchain is already on mainnet. The aOS is currently in testnet. Their audits are almost ready (late January), and mainnet launch is projected to be somewhere in Q1.
There is much innovation happening to make the web3 user experience better. Andromeda could be the innovation that gets the development side of things ready for mass adoption. If ‘from months to minutes’ proves not to be a meme, this project can become widely successful.
My conclusion: gud coin!
How/where to buy? Watch this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=HZJaAUoqZzU
[ R&D ] - Venture Capital Funding.
"all you have to do is follow the money"
>Venture Capital Firms only have one goal.
>Make Money
>Some of the most profitable and biggest projects were seeded by VC's including:
[ $FTX ] ~900m
[ $NEAR ] ~530m
[ $SOL ] ~340m
[ $SUI ] ~300m
[ $AVAX ] ~230m
[ $HNT ] ~200m
[ $UNI ] ~160m
[ $AXS ] ~152m
>Tracking big money has many research benefits:
⊿ Gain Deeper Knowledge into Narratives.
⊿ Find tech/narratives receiving big funding.
⊿ Connect to Individuals/Firms with Analytics/Insights
⊿ See Narratives ahead of time.
⊿ Make Better investment Decisions.
⊿ Find Narratives that are failing
>You also have Angel Investors who are wealthy individuals with interests in certain tech or narratives - rather than using an investment fund like VC firms, they utilize their own net worth. - will cover this list at a later time
>Other Fund types are:
The Stages of VC funding are Generally:
-Idea phase
Seed Round.
-Minimum Viable Product, Roadmaps, Pitch decks, Analysis on Competitors, Cashflow etc.
Series A.
-Product now has validation, Community Growth etc.
Series B.
-Project is showing signs of confirmed growth + now needs funding for business development + expansion.
Series C.
-Project is now ready for expansion internationally and requires additional funding for further expansion.
*there are many more complex rounds
>VC funding can help smaller projects with great ideas begin to scale, they get support and expertise but can also lose certain levels of control + dilution of ownership - this is obviously always worth remembering
>also they don't always have the best judgement either
>Ive created a list of Venture Capital Firms that i've found to be quite active in 2023/24
>i've included some of the top recent funding rounds that i personally found to be quite interesting
>you can track this type of data through websites like:
>my advice is to bookmark this thread
>follow them all, research their investments, past and present.
>they share a lot of great market insights, narrative insights, analytics, investment opportunities etc
>I mostly use this information to form a broader understanding of the cryptocurrency landscape, network and connect with individuals involved with or around VC firms and see narrative and tech trends ahead of time.
>i tried to include the most active VC firms first
>not all projects i found have tokens, yet.
>i tried not to include any double ups of co-investments
>i also tried to include some lesser known Tier 2/3 VC Firms - Everyone knows @BinanceLabs etc
>also from my research it appears, just like regular investors like ourselves, certain VC firms have their favourite narratives, categories, tech too
For example mine are:
>I noticed a HUGE amount of money flowing into:
>Zero Knowledge in particular seemed to have massive funding
>recent investments can date back to early 2023*
>its worth noting as well that a lot of projects you are seeing now were seeded/funded in ~2018-22, like:
- @SecretNetwork
>they arent magically appearing out of nowhere
>even @teamspacemesh was funded in 2018 by polychain capital and is only just waking up now 5-6 years later
>use this information as a research tool
*if i made any mistakes i apologize in advance*
this thread led me down some crazy rabbit hole's feel free to share anything interesting you find :)
[ @DWFLabs ] - Tier 2
>recent investments of interest:
】@doubler_pro - DEFI
】@CESS_Storage - Blockchain Service
】@MOBOX_Official - GameFI
】@MapProtocol - BTC layer 2
】@tenprotocol - Blockchain
】@veloprotocol - Blockchain Service
】@VictionEco - Blockchain
】@Conflux_Network - Blockchain
】@LayerAIorg - AI
[ @HashKey_Capital ] - Tier 1
>recent investments of interest:
】@BSquaredNetwork - BTC layer 2
】@ScopeProtocol - Blockchain Service
】@RioRestaking - DeFI - ReStaking
】@carv_official - Blockchain Service
】@TermStructLabs - DeFI
】@MYX_Finance - DeFI
】@IZUMOofficial - Social
】@Panoptic_xyz - DeFI
】@SynFuturesDefi - DeFI
】@Forge - GameFI
】@SupraOracles - Blockchain Service
[ @cbventures ] - Tier 1
>recent investments of interest:
】@portal_finance - DeFI
】@medallionfm - Blockchain Service
】@wormholecrypto - Blockchain Service
】@blockchain - CeFI
】@integral_xyz_ - Blockchain Service
】@cymbalxyz - Blockchain Service
】@alluvialfinance - DeFI
】@mavprotocol - DeFI
[ @animocabrands ] - Tier 2
>recent investments of interest:
】@Pixelmon - GameFI
】@KIPprotocol - Blockchain Infrastructure
】@FarcanaOfficial - GameFI
】@puffer_finance - DeFI
】@conductiveai - Blockchain Service
】@hi_com_official - CeFI
】@playmythical - GameFI
[ @BigBrainVC ] - Tier 1
>recent investments of interest:
】@exa_bits - Blockchain Infrastructure, Cloud.
】@Bitflow_Finance - DeFI
】@synonymfinance - DeFI
】@Entanglefi - DeFI
】@WyndNetwork - Data
】@Sleek_Labs - Social
】@AethirCloud - Blockchain Service, Cloud Infra.
】@zkLink_Official - Blockchain
[ @OKX_Ventures ] - Tier 2
>recent investments of interest:
】@RenzoProtocol - DeFI
】@PolyhedraZK - Infrastructure
】@bitsmiley_labs - DeFI
】@navi_protocol - DeFI
】@MocaverseNFT - NFT
】@babylon_chain - Infrastructure
】@KakarotZkEvm - Infrastructure
[ @shimacapital ] - Tier 1
>recent investments of interest:
】@InfraredFinance - DeFI
】@myDopamineApp - DeFI
】@arcade2earn - GameFI
】@PontemNetwork - DeFI
】@berachain - Blockchain
】@monad_xyz - Blockchain
】@QuasarFi - DeFI
[ @a16z ] - Tier 1
>recent investments of interest:
】@dynamic_xyz - Blockchain Service
】@setter_app - Social
】@0xStackr - Infrastructure
】@pimlicoHQ - Infrastructure
】@smlxldotio - Blockchain Service
】@blackbird_xyz - Social
】@iyk_app - Blockchain Service
】@ProofOfPlay - GameFI
】@BastionPlatform - Blockchain Service, DATA
】@gensynai - Blockchain Service
】@soundxyz_ - NFT
】@character_ai - Social
[ @NGC_Ventures ] - Tier 2
>recent investments of interest:
】@hinkal_protocol - Blockchain Service
】@ElixirProtocol - DeFI
】@Bracket_Labs_ - DeFI
】@Web3Go - Blockchain Service
】@xverseApp - BTC, BRC20 wallet
】@ConnextNetwork - Infrastructure
】@anoma - Blockchain Service
】@openfortxyz - Blockchain service
[ @robotventures ] - Tier 3
>recent investments of interest
】@AxiomFM - Blockchain Service, Data
】@KintoXYZ - Blockchain Layer 2
】@DefinitiveFi - DeFI
】@ritualnet - Infrastructure, AI
】@nocturne_xyz - Privacy
】@parsec_finance - DeFI
】@ratedw3b - Data
】@FhenixIO - Blockchain, Privacy
】@freaticteam - Data
[ @ForesightVen ] - Tier 3
>recent investments of interest:
】@PublicAI_ - AI
】@phaverapp - Social
】@StoryProtocol - Social
】@aspecta_id - AI / Identity
】@SeiNetwork - Blockchain
】@HyperOracle - Instrastructure
】@EthStorage - Storage Rollup
[ @ElectricCapital ] - Tier 2
>recent investments of interest:
】@clustersxyz - Blockchain Services
】@frame_xyz - Blockchain
】@llama - Blockchain Service / Governance
】@Membrane_Labs - OTC software
】@hourglasshq - DeFI
】@yozlabs - Blockchain Service / Data
】@eigenlayer - Infrastructure
[ @polychain ] - Tier 1
>recent investments of interest:
】@Canza_Finance - CeFI / DeFI
】@particle_trade - DeFI
】@bitfinitynet - Blockchain
】@sonastream - Web3 Music Streaming
】@MantaNetwork - Blockchain
】@Scroll_ZKP - Blockchain
】@playSHRAPNEL - GameFi
[ @TheSpartanGroup ] - Tier 2
>recent investments of interest:
】@ForgotPlayland - GameFI
】@Saros_Finance - DeFI - Solana
】@gleenai - AI
】@maplefinance - DeFI
】@AffineDeFi - DeFi
】@OmniFDN - Infrastructure ETH
】@ObolNetwork - Infrastructure
】@tanXfinance - DeFI
[ @dragonfly_xyz ] - Tier 1
>recent investments of interest:
】@medallionfm - Blockchain Service
】@0xMJM - GameFI
】@EconiaLabs - DeFI
】@renegade_fi - DeFI
】@Calderaxyz - Infrastructure / Rollups
】@_kaitoai - AI
】@gondixyz - NFT
[ @galaxyhq ] - Tier 1
>recent investments of interest:
】@zealwallet - Wallet DeFI
】@superstatefunds - DeFI
】@avantisfinance - DeFI
】@meshconnectapi - CeFI
】@RiscZero - Infrastructure - ZK
】@chaos_labs - Blockchain Service
[ @Delphi_Digital ] - Tier 1
>recent investments of interest:
】@ggdotzip - GameFI
】@nockchain - Blockchain
】@PythNetwork - Infrastructure
】@SquadsProtocol - Blockchain Service
】@Neutron_org - Blockchain
】@LensProtocol - Social
】@AstriaOrg - Infrastructure
】@grvt_io - DeFI
[ @paradigm ] - Tier 1
>recent investments of interest:
】@axiom_xyz - Blockchain Service
】@_shadowxyz - Blockchain Service
】@privy_io - Blockchain Service
】@Blast_L2 - Blockchain
】@friendtech - Social
】@flashbotsmev - Blockchain Service
】@conduitxyz - Blockchain Service
】@code4rena - Blockchain Service
】@aevoxyz - DeFI
[ @jumpcapital ] - Tier 2
>recent investments of interest:
】@sealance_io - Privacy
】@PillowFund - CeFI
】@SpectralFi - Blockchain Service
】@argentHQ - Wallet
】@ComposableFin - DeFI
】@C3protocol - DeFI
】@bitoasis - CeFI
[ @DCGco ] - Tier 2
>recent investments of interest:
】@Polymer_Labs - Blockchain
】@getmasafi - Blockchain Service
】@andalusialabs - Infrastructure
】@NeutralExchange - Blockchain Service
】@beoble_official - Social
[ @cmsholdings ] - Tier 2
>recent investments of interest:
】@OnomyProtocol - Blockchain
】@VelarBTC - DeFI BTC
】@0xRootLabs - NFT
】@RepubliK_GG - Social
】@zkme_ - Blockchain Service - ZK
】@webbprotocol - Privacy
[ @blockchaincap ]
>recent investments of interest:
】@Polymer_Labs - Blockchain
】@RiscZero - Infrastructure - ZK
】@worldcoin - Blockchain Service
】@usetoku - Blockchain Service
】@OpenSuperchain - Data Service
】@modularcloud1 - Blockchain Service - Celestia
】@spatial_labs - Blockchain service
[ @Maven11Capital ] - Tier 2
>recent investments of interest:
】@Ingo_zk - Blockchain Service
】@bagel_network - Blockchain Service
】@Finoa_io - CeFI
】@BrahmaFi - DeFI
】@gensynai - AI
】@informalinc - Infrastructure
】@sovereign_labs - Blockchain
>recent investments of interest:
】@Kiln_finance - CeFI
】@taikoxyz - Blockchain
】@Ingo_zk - ZK
】@Transak - Blockchain Service
】@RenzoProtocol - DeFI
】@gelatonetwork - Infrastructure
1. Always remember that you are nothing more than a potential sacrificial victim on the whale’s altair
You’re buying with the aspiration of realizing a profit, but smart money plays on a different level of this game, both technically and psychologically.
They will do everything to mislead you, directing your actions toward their pre-meditated path, in order to slaughter you.
Be skeptical of everything you hear in this game.
2. Don’t be upset if you miss out on a move
You see people flexing their gains (trust me, most are just fake screenshots) and you feel sadness because you didn’t buy the token.
As per consequence, FOMO starts to dictate your decisions and you’ll end up chasing narratives that are already 90% milked or catching the top of green candles.
Every day new projects pop out, presenting tons of opportunities.
Use others’ winning to motivate yourself for achieving the same results.
3. Learn the stupidity curve
At the end of last year I made an infographic explaining how the stupidity curve develops during a crypto cycle.
The more we will rise, the more bullsh** you’ll start to hear and the more bearish you should become.
Conversely, the more we will plunge, the more your bullishness should arise.
In the meanwhile, never forget to act as a ninja: If you make big money in crypto, don’t tell it to anyone.
Loud richness is a curse because people around you will start getting attracted like bears to honey, constantly begging you for “one more drop” of your wealth and calling you lucky for your hard work while spreading the word about your status, increasing potential security risks.
Keep it for yourself, move in silence.
4. Value your wealth in time
With the growing numbers of your portfolio, you'll start losing the perception of money.
Your brain perceives 1,000$ as 10$, 10,000$ as 100$, 100,000$ as 1,000$, and so on, forcing you to consider that is “never enough”.
Watch at your portfolio in TIME terms, instead of USD ones.
10.000$ could be 1 year’s salary while 100.00$, 10 years.
What you're risking to leave on the table is a huge amount of time..time that doesn’t come back if you f*** it up.
Keep it in mind while your portfolio continues to soar.
5. Assume it’s a bull market and you’re not a genius
Price appreciation has a huge Damocle’s sword on you head: it makes you feel like a genius.
Overconfidence, invincibility, sense of supremacy.
All of these things will be pooled together in your mind, forcing you to take irresponsible decisions and constantly rotating your money until you’ll lose it all.
Stay humble and feel the blessing for participating in the generosity that the market offers, not because you’re the next George Soros.
6. Use HTF closures to gauge your next moves
Retails get annihilated because, together with sheep mentality, don’t know the importance of HTF closures above or below key support/resistance zones.
They continue to believe an asset will go up or down forever because their favorite influencers leverage their emotions.
Utilize the closures for avoiding useless bias and maintain an analytical approach, thus improving your profitability.
7. Unfollow “shillfluencers”
With the soars of prices, new gurus and “experts” will create accounts in order to profit from the attention that the market is capturing.
The blueprint is this one:
- They announce “the next big thing” ~> your emotions get leveraged
- They start buying/getting paid from related projects
- They announce “the next big thing” ~> your emotions get leveragedhey're “gem hunters”
- They already planned their exits while saying “X (unrealistic) target soon”
- They start selling on the way up while continuing to nourish the hype
- You continue to buy with the hope that “obvious” target will surely be met
- You sacrificed yourself and became exit liquidity ~> target not met
- “Bro, always DYOR before buying”
Also, a lot of them are intensifying scamming techniques by making TA on coins they’re getting paid from (looks their interest is more “genuine”)
The more the horns of the bull grow, the more this will intensify.
8. Always maintain an “Uncle Sam” allocation
I know, with Bitcoin skyrocketing the temptation of going all-in on your favorite coin is very high.
But trust me, I made this mistake in my first bullrun and I felt completely armless when the inevitable dip came.
10/20% plunges are in fact very common during bull periods.
Constantly maintain a % cash allocation ready to buy dips/preserve capital and taking advantage of the new projects that are “casually” being released during great times as they usually perform really well.
I'm confident that these 8 tips will help you along the way.
As long as we proceed with the bull run, things will get hotter.
And consequently, the risk of making more mistakes drastically increases.
Here are 8 smart practices to adopt in a bull market that will make sure you’ll follow the right path:
“History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”
In an attempt to not be pure exit liquidity this cycle let's attempt to decipher the following:
The Boom-Bust Sequence & The Comparison of Narrative Momentum & Price (in particular, Narrative Cycle Tops).
Alright, let me preface this by saying I'm not a macro expert by any sense of the word.
However, you don't need to want to be a macro expert to be interested in how cycles work (they also occur on smaller time frames).
This discussion or aspects of it can actually be applied to a wide variety of assets from pure shitcoins to $BTC.
While reading through George Soros's "Alchemy of Finance" and Brent Donnelly's "Alpha Trader" (in particular, the narrative section),
I was struck by several AHA moments.
I would like to try to recreate the same for you.
At a minimum, by the end of this thread you should have some understanding of the following terms:
Boom-Bust Sequences
Narrative Cycles
Lag associated w/ Narrative & Price
Let's walk through it together.
Let's start with Reflexivity.
You can think of reflexivity as a feedback loop.
It stems from social theory and George Soros brought it into the world of finance.
An analogy:
Pavlov's Experiment & Conditioning
To make a long story short, Pavlov set up an experiment where he rang a bell before giving food to his dogs.
Initially, the dogs didn't give much of a shit when the bell was rung.
With time, the ringing of the bell elicited a response in the dogs and they would salivate at the ringing of the bell (in anticipation of the food).
We'll come back to how this concept fits into The Boom-Bust Sequence.
Now for Narratives.
Quoting Alpha Trader (Brent Donnelly):
The narrative is the story the market tells itself to explain movements in price.
Understanding narratives goes hand in hand with deciphering the story that the market is painting as well as the story that the participants in the market are telling themselves.
A few interesting points here:
↦ There can be nested narratives for a macro narrative e.g. perhaps the uptrend into the ETF news can be looked at as a nested narrative in the overall cycle.
↦ The underlying story being told typically shifts in the other direction before price does.
Hence, the lag.
↦ Price has a tendency to overshoot the narrative (in one direction or the other) due to fear and greed.
The Boom Bust Sequence
There's a section in the Alchemy of Finance named "Reflexivity in the Stock Market" which discusses "boom and bust sequences".
↦ An elementary model of the sequence starts with an underlying trend that is not yet recognized.
When the trend is recognized by participants it leads to the beginning of a "self-reinforcing process".
This can also be looked at as the narrative/the story being told has shifted in a positive trajectory long before the price decides to catch up.
The stronger the "self-reinforcing" process becomes the strong the "reflexive relationship" becomes.
Think back to Pavlov's dogs.
Initially, during the recent months of the strong uptrend, people were hesitant to "buy the dips".
Over time, more and more participants become complacent in terms of "buying the dips" until it becomes "let me crank up the leverage and long this dip because it's free money".
Market participants are willing and more confident to take on more one-directional risk while the gap between the narrative momentum and the price is rapidly closing (and eventually diverging).
↦ As this self-reinforcing process continues, the underlying trend and the prevailing bias become "increasingly vulnerable".
When the trend in price can't compete with the prevailing expectations, a correction occurs.
I believe this aspect aligns with a stage that is referred to as "First Cracks". (as mentioned in the book, Alpha Trader).
This is when the "story gets overcrowded" i.e. early participants of the trend take profit and late participants get shaken out.
BTC & Potential "First Cracks" Phase?
So, how can this be applied in a practical framework?
My smol brain believes the "first cracks" phase is where we potentially may be sitting currently.
On a HTF, once the first significant correction on $BTC is successfully defended, we're in for the party continuing.
Currently, BTC is ~17% down from the local high.
Typically, bull market pull-backs are in the 20-30% area. But it would be naive to take that as a hard and fast number.
Whether we get a deeper pull-back from here or not, an observation that can be made on HTF is that there is a significant amount of space underneath to revisit while the HTF uptrend remains intact.
Continuation of the Boom-Bust Sequence
↦ "A self-reinforcing process undergoes orderly corrections in the early stages, and, if it survives them, the bias tends to be reinforced, and is less easily shaken.
When the process is advanced, corrections become scarcer, and the danger of a climactic reversal greater." (Alchemy of Finance)
The first significant correction is noted to be followed by a hype wave (new highs) and the eventual "peak and turn" (as noted in Alpha Trader).
This would go hand-in-hand with the continuation of the uptrend and eventual peak euphoria/blow-off top.
Narrative Cycle Top - Lag between Narrative Cycle & Price
"Excellent traders will realize there has been a meaningful turn in the narrative here, even when price continues to make new highs....
As long as price continues to rise, most traders will ignore information that goes against the narrative."
Essentially, when a narrative cycle begins (trending upwards from the bottom), fair value is lagging behind. This is when assets are at a discount.
This is followed by a "catch-up" phase and then comes the eventual peak, when the price is hyper-inflated compared to the underlying story (leading to the bust).
One can draw the conclusion that the lag at the top (underlying story has already shifted direction compared to price which stays going up) occurs in part due to the greed of market participants.
This lag also seems to occur at "the bottom" or during meaningful pullbacks over the course of a cycle in the inverse direction due to fear.
Understand the stories the market is telling itself and learn to identify when the market is falling in or out of love with a narrative. (Alpha Trader).
This is a lot easier said than done.
The goal here (atleast for myself) isn't to pretend that we can make accurate long-term predictions or that we're savants but more so to be mindful of and try to grasp the behavioral aspect of cycles (specifically reflexivity).
Some practical tips provided in Alpha Trader to become better at deciphering the story of the market:
↦ Read like a fiend with a focus on quality.
↦ Develop a network.
↦ Find the subject matter experts.
↦ Study potential drivers and catalysts. (this is my addition).
I'm still working on this aspect and I believe there is no shortcut to this besides getting in the mud and being observingly present over multiple cycles (along with the points mentioned).
Additionally, another aspect that I might dig into is, 2nd order derivative data.
i.e. looking at the rate of change of a trend rather than the absolute number change in a trend.
While far from becoming or pretending to become macro experts, I hope this writeup provides you with an elementary understanding of reflexivity, boom-bust sequences, and narrative cycles. (these also occur on smaller time frames i.e. cycles within cycles)
So now, when you see these words being used you'll have some understanding of what they mean.
I would highly recommend you take some time and read through the Alchemy of Finance and Alpha Trader if you're interested in reading more on these subjects.
The goal of Delysium has been to construct a virtual world where 1 billion individuals and 100 billion AI Virtual Beings coexist on blockchain. These virtual natives can be not only the digital version of ourselves but also our companions and Non-Player Characters (NPCs) shuttling across diverse scenarios including games, communities, media platforms, and more. We can let AI Virtual Beings help us learn about crypto, check & trade crypto assets, discover crypto opportunities, and get warned ahead of the risks through natural language conversations.Moreover, powered by the decentralized game publishing structure, an increasing number of games with customized tokenomics and on-chain assets (NFTs or tokens) will be connected, and that will gradually make the AI-Powered Virtual Society more prosperous.
Launched the World's 1st Ai Powered WEB3 operating system: LUCY
(Web3's AI Operating System has just surpassed one million connected wallets.True AI for the masses. The gateway to onboard the next hundred million users to Web3.)
One of my top ai picks for this run.
MC: $60m (at time of writing)
Narrative: Gaming \ Ai Blockchain
Doxxed Team: CEO and lead Tech Dev are both Ex-NVDIA
Corporate Site: https://www.delysium.com/
Whitepaper: https://www.delysium.com/whitepaper
↠ First interactive white paper I’ve ever seen!!!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9LZU8I39GU&ab_channel=Delysium
Twitter: https://twitter.com/The_Delysium/status/1642139903931609091?s=20
Delysium Game, is the first AAA blockchain game in the EPIC store.
Google Cloud’s AI & Web3 Startups Program
Y Combinator is one of the backers of $AGI
"Yes, Sam Altman was part of Y Combinator. He joined YC as a partner in 2011, and in February 2014, he became the president of Y Combinator, succeeding its co-founder Paul Graham. During his tenure, Altman focused on expanding YC's reach and influence, including launching new initiatives like the YC Continuity Fund, which invests in later-stage startups, and the YC Research, a non-profit research lab.
Sam Altman has been a key figure in the tech industry, known for his insights on startup growth, technology trends, and his investment acumen. Under his leadership, Y Combinator continued to grow its portfolio of startups and its impact on the global tech ecosystem. He stepped down from his role as president in March 2019 to focus on OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research organization that he co-founded, but he remains closely associated with YC as its chairman."
The Price Volume Momentum Trifecta (PVMT)
A Simple Framework to Look for Entries on Alts in a Trending Environment
First of all, I'm joking and being facetious about the name of this framework along with the acronym.
For some reason, you guys love shiny new names and terms.
No one is reinventing the wheel.
It's all just recycled stuff packaged differently.
I hope this packaging proves useful for you.
On RSI & Momentum
From the momentum perspective, here is a detailed discussion on RSI.
What I specifically hone in on are RSI resets in a trending environment.
In the attached discussion, I try to break down and provide a brief analogy of why and how the RSI reset can prove useful using pendulums.
Momentum Reset- Confluence w/ Price & Volume
1. RSI is resetting on a meaningful timeframe (determine "meaningfulness" of your own volition),
The second part of this equation is:
2. Price is dipping or reaching into key contextual levels as it pertains to volume.
You will see in my updates on the market I refer to the 4H RSI reset in conjunction with key levels that are aligning with the reset.
Key Contextual Levels to Use for Confluence
This is discretionary in nature. As such, it requires data collection to determine what works best for you.
This could be a meaningful VWAP band, MAs, EMAs, VAH, VAL, volume point of controls, previous high retests etc.
It all depends on how you trade and what your system is based around.
What I would like to say is there is elegance in simplicity.
You want to cut down the noise and make sure you don't have 10 different signals that you are using to pull the trigger.
The entry itself in this case depends on several different factors which I won't cover here.
Just giving you a fishing pole for now.
Some Examples for Context of the Framework
↦ https://x.com/Stoiiic/status/1754587955316818152?s=20
↦ https://x.com/Stoiiic/status/1752028138857791808?s=20
↦ https://x.com/Stoiiic/status/1748077773154091151?s=20
A short post on the Price Volume Momentum Trifecta (how do you like the name I made up?) to use as a potential framework in a trending environment.
If you found this post to be helpful, please show your support by visiting Stoics profile on X, and give him a follow for more content like this!
Solidus AI Tech stands at the forefront of technological innovation, utilizing High-Performance Computing (HPC) to propel advancements in artificial intelligence. The company's offerings encompass a range of services such as a Launchpad, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), AI as a Service (AIaaS), Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), and a dedicated marketplace for AI applications.
They have set up an environmentally conscious HPC facility in Europe. Additionally, AITECH, their AI token with deflationary attributes, is designed for transactions in AI, Blockchain, and HPC services.
Fully doxxed.
Notably the 2 founders are well connected to Soft Galaxy and Optoel both mentioned below.
3 Team members that stood out:
Corporate Site: https://www.aitech.io/
Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/solidus-ai-tech
AMA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc_KeEQSMyI&ab_channel=Seedify
VCs: Castrum, ChainGPT, FERRUM, TrustSwap, DeCubate
Other notable investments from CASTRUM :DEXCheck, ChainGPT, and GT protocol.
Something else that I feel is massive is that Aitech has caught the eye of Andreessen Horowitz A16Z. AiTech is mentioned as one of the few AI projects in their Big ideas 2024. This is for me one of the most important and most respected VC's out there.
Note also that neither OLAS TAO, AGORAS are mentioned in the A16Z report.
Some major powerhouse tech companies are supporting this project.
Parent company:
One of Solidus tech's AI partners which also has $AITECH team members:
Soft Galaxy is another company deeply rooted/integrated into $AITECH.
Providing its IT services:
Generalization of what could potentially make $AITECH standout amongst the AI crowd
Integration of High-Performance Computing (HPC) with AI:
Leveraging HPC in AI is significant. HPC can process vast amounts of data at incredible speeds, which is crucial for complex AI computations and machine learning algorithms. This integration could potentially offer more powerful and efficient AI solutions than those operating on standard computing systems.
Eco-Friendly HPC Center:
Establishing an eco-friendly HPC center in Europe could set Solidus AI Tech apart if it significantly reduces the environmental impact, a notable concern in both the AI and blockchain fields, known for their high energy consumption.
Diverse Range of Services:
Offering a combination of services like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), AI as a Service (AIaaS), Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), and a Launchpad, along with a specialized AI applications marketplace, indicates a comprehensive approach to AI and blockchain technology. This broad spectrum of services could cater to a wide range of needs, from infrastructure to specialized applications.
Deflationary AI Token (AITECH):
The introduction of a deflationary token for transactions in AI, Blockchain, and HPC services might be innovative in the way it handles payments and transactions within the ecosystem, potentially offering a more stable or predictable economic model.
Marketplace for Specialized AI Applications:
Having a dedicated marketplace for AI applications suggests a focus on not just developing AI technology but also on its practical application and accessibility for users.v
[ the trojan bull ]
>my good friend @CryptoElPres gave you the royal flush
>i present to you the trojan bull
>it is our peace offering to the normies, similar to the trojan horse, the trojan bull conceals the gems to the broader unsuspecting market
>until eventually they are revealed and recognised before it's too late
[ $KAS ] @KaspaCurrency
[ $TAO ] @opentensor
[ $TAU ] @TauLogicAI
[ $ATOR ] @atorprotocol
[ $KUJI ] @TeamKujira
[ $FI ] @FideumFinance
[ $DUSK ] @DuskFoundation
[ $ANDR ] @AndromedaProt
[ $ZEPH ] @zephyr_org
[ $ROOT ] @TheRootNetwork
[ $SMH ] @teamspacemesh
[ $PEAQ ] @peaqnetwork
[ $SPACE ] @mvcglobal
[ $AGC ] @devolvedai
>in essence the trojan bull is the idea of seizing opportunities others may not immediately see or appreciate….
>what's your inside your Trojan bull
>what you swapping out and for what
Honourable Mentions:
[ $TRADE ] @Polytrade_fin
[ $CPOOL ] @ClearpoolFin
[ $OLAS ] @autonolas
[ $ORAI ] @oraichain
[ $CAH ] @moontropica
[ $LAKE ] @DataLakeToken
[ $NTRN ] @Neutron_org
[ $NOIA ] @Syntropynet
[ $PEAS ] @PeapodsFinance
ONINO Breakdown
ONINO is designed and built for enterprise adoption, a narrative set to cater for the masses. In fact, there are 334 million enterprises world wide, and if just 1% of those could benefit from blockchain technology, that's 3.3 million potential partners for ONINO and other projects targeting similar markets.
Sitting sub 10 million market cap, this could be the perfect entry point, but first, let me tell you about ONINO. This will be a full overview - Please skip section 2 if you don't care for the technical side.
1. Introduction to ONINO
Founded and registered in Germany back in 2021, ONINO had one main aim, unlocking the full potential of blockchain for enterprise and institutional adoption.
It was at this point the birth of a new DAG-based Layer 0 network was conceptualized. Naturally, overtime this network has become much more than what the team first set out to achieve, now introducing the ONINO Cloud Platform, a low-code development solution. More on the technical side in the next section.
An initial pre-sale took place in Jan 2022 which sold out in under 3 minutes, raising $750k at a price of $0.08 per token. Those tokens were all released into circulation at launch, as there was no vesting period and it is worth noting the price as since fallen below this sale price, and therefore sale participants no longer have a price advantage given cheaper entry was possible.
Additional funding was secured in March 2023 via an investment from the German State Bank of Baden-Wuerttemberg (Government Funded?) and a series of private angel investors. These investment deals did not involve the $ONI coin.
Potential use cases for the Network:
• Document / Supply chain verification
• Medical records
• Decentralized Insurance
• Digital Twins (RWA Tokenization)
• P2P Energy Markets
• Machine2Machine communication
• IT Security
• On-chain Identity
• And much more...
Projects that target similar focus areas, as I compare for potential. I will not comment or compare on technical aspects, each chain has its place and the narrative needs multiple.
$ATOM - $4.2 billion market cap.
$CSPR - $598 million market cap.
$AZERO - $400 million market cap.
$DAG - $201 million market cap.
$ONI - $9 million market cap.
2. The ONINO Network (Layer 0)
The ONINO Blockchain Protocol is a Layer 0 Network which operates on a DAG-based consensus to achieve higher efficiency and throughout.
As this is a Layer 0 Protocol which serves as the foundational layer (Main-chain), developers are able to deploy custom Layer 1 Sub-chains on the Main-chain protocol, similarly to Bittensor's (TAO) network set up, yet providing the capabilities of top privacy focused blockchains.
These Sub-chains represent a significant advancement in blockchain technology, offering unparalleled customization in terms of transaction speed, validation metrics, regulatory compliance, and the ability to operate in either a permissioned (private) or permissionless (public) network.
Why do we need the public main-chain as well as sub-chains?
"A key feature of the ONINO protocol is its ability to anchor these sub-chains to the main chain via their state roots. This anchoring mechanism ensures a robust and secure connection between the Sub-chains and the Mainchain, maintaining the integrity and continuity of the entire network."
This ultimately provides the best of both worlds: Full privacy in the sense of a private network & security / immutability of a public decentralized network. In other words, a company can deploy their private chain, store sensitive information and still get the validation provided by a public mainchain.
The brains behind the network: Proof of Adaptive Coverage (PoAC), ONINO's consensus mechanism which is an evolution to traditional proof of stake protocols that is designed for more fairness and robustness. Instead of weighing one's stake amount, other validation metrics are included so the network is not controlled by the "rich" as is typically the case in PoS networks.
The PoAC consensus protocol involves 2 layers of consensus, as we need to remember that the protocol facilitates both a layer 0 & 1, and each layer is hosted by nodes that perform consensus in a parallel and asynchronous fashion.
Let's break this down and see what the protocol needs to achieve:
1. Perform secure parallel consensus over multiple Layer 1 application layers.
2. Perform state root creation across Layer 1 application layers.
3. Submits create state roots to Layer 0 consensus.
4. Performs secure Layer 0 consensus to form a consistent global state on all application layer states.
The horizontal scalability of the ONINO protocol is a key feature. Using sub-chains that each have their own dedicated Sub-chain consensus mechanism, the network is able to scale efficiently to meet a wide range of application requirements without compromising security or performance.
In the future, ONINO plans to create a sub-chain marketplace so to speak, in which developers can build custom sub-chain setups to suit individual enterprise needs as a plug-and-play solution. This marketplace will act as a conduit, connecting developers with the ideal infrastructure for their specific applications, thereby fostering an ecosystem of diverse, efficient and specialized blockchain solutions.
Imagine being able to buy a blockchain for your business, just like you can buy a website.
3. The ONINO Cloud Platform
Perhaps equally as important as the network, is the ONINO Cloud Platform. The Low-Code Platform for Business Blockchain Solutions, as they call it.
The ONINO platform is designed to help companies and developers to easily ideate, develop, deploy and integrate blockchain-based solutions to both the ONINO network and other EVM compatible chains.
The ONINO platform offers a comprehensive suite for blockchain project development, tailored specifically for developers of varying expertise and industry backgrounds. It focuses on 4 areas of creation and development:
1. Ideation & Inspiration - Focusing on case studies and AI assisted idea, this section of the platform is designed to help understand the enterprise requirements, helping them conceptualize how blockchain can enhance their business.
2. AI-Supported Development - For those that aren't familiar with blockchain development or perhaps don't have the in house expertise, enterprises can choose from a vast library of pre-built templates for a wide array of blockchain use cases or use the AI assistant to developer solutions outside the template library.
3. One-Click Deployment - Automatically deploy your blockchain solution in minutes, where it fits best with their one-click deployment solution. You can choose the ONINO Main-Chain, create a Custom Sub-Chain, or deploy on any EVM compatible chain.
4. Easy integration - ONINO provides comprehensive documentation, APIs, and guides for all templates. Providing support for frontend and backend integration, the icing on the cake so to speak.
All in all, the ONINO Cloud Platform is the perfect addition for simplifying the set up of blockchain solutions for enterprises and will work seamlessly with their own network protocol completing the package.
5. The ONINO Team & Partners
ONINO was founded by 3 co-founders, Alexandre Lehr (CEO), Lukas Wipf (CFO) & Kai Firschau (CTO).
The ONINO founders are young, motivated and talented individuals who spotted an opportunity and set out on a mission to fill that gap. I have been fortunate enough to get to know them on a more personal level and it is clear each of them offer a different and much needed set of skills to ONINO.
In addition to the 3 founders, there is currently a blockchain engineer and full stack engineer within the team.
@LukasWipf - Perfect chance for you to jump in here and correct anything I've said!
Let's take a look at the ONINO advisors and partners, and notice the extended team's legal and compliance experience, a principle focus area for ONINO.
Dr. Andreas Penzkofer - Blockchain Architect
Andreas was announced as a technology advisor for the Layer 0 Protocol, but is listed on the website as a blockchain architect for ONINO so the extent of his involvement remains unclear, but one would assume a more hands on advisory role compared to the others.
Andreas involvement with ONINO is particularly important, as some may recognise him as previous senior researcher and team lead at IOTA Foundation having spent 4 years there between 2018 to 2022 as well as his work on a number of DAG research papers.
Dr. Biyan Mienert - Legal Advisor
Biyan's legal advisor role specialising in blockchain doesn't stop at ONINO. He also sits on the General Counsel for @lukso_io, following a previous advisor role. He is also legal advisor at @iota ,@shyftnetwork, and is a founding member of @BlockchainLG. Now, what is significant here? Lukso is founded by Fabian Vogelsteller, and Vogelsteller was an early contributor and developer for the Ethereum project and proposed the ERC-20 token standard.
Nick Blomfield - Legal Advisor
It's not clear if Nick's advisory position is still active, but the connection is certainly evident. Nick spent 3 years at @BlackRock as Senior Legal and Compliance Fund Lawyer, and Legal and Compliance Counsel, and is currently a legal advisor at @jpmorgan. Perhaps two of the biggest names in the investment space and certainly a useful contact to have.
Bernd Vermaaten - Advisor & Business Angel
Bernd is the CEO of @SoluteGmbh, one of Germany’s largest and most successful SEO and e-commerce websites. Bernd has also been appointed as a commercial judge at the Regional Court of Karlsruhe for commercial matters by the State Ministry of Justice of Baden Württemberg. Spotting a theme here? ONINO is in the driving seat when it comes to regulatory compliance.
Michael Becker & Ulf Ritz - Business Angels
Founders of Becker Ritz Wlasak Insurance. One of the potential use cases for ONINO's network is decentralized insurance, is this a strategic move, or a coincidence?
German state bank of Baden-Wuerttemberg
ONINO received an investment from the state bank of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Not many projects can claim to have government investment, but ONINO can. If you needed any reassurance of legitimacy, this is it.
4. The ONINO Coin
The $ONI coin will be used for the following:
• Transactions Fees
• Network Validation (35,000 ONI required to become a validator)
• Sub-Chains (50,000 ONI required to create a sub-chain network)
• Platform features and future additions, for example launch pad participation (TBC).
The native coin, $ONI, currently has a market cap of $8.9million. Sitting at around $0.27 per coin, which is down 50% from the ATH of $0.58 and up 1,639% from the ATL of $0.016 approximately a year ago.
It is currently available on BSC via PCS (due to mainnet not going live until estimated Q1 2024). Migration will take place at a 1:1 ratio.
The contract address is: https://bscscan.com/token/0xea89199344a492853502a7a699cc4230854451b8
There are currently no VC deals involving the $ONI coin and all sale coins are in circulation.
The Total and maximum supply is 100 million, of which 33 million is in circulation.
Team: 12%
Advisors: 5%
Treasury & Innovation Fund: 20%
Staking Rewards: 48%
Initial Liquidity: 2%
Successful Pre Sale: 13%
For more information on tokenomics and emissions, visit: https://docs.onino.io/the-oni-token/detailed-tokenomics/token-distribution-and-emission-schedules
World's first internet scaled Metaverse due to Ozone x Flow integration
Ozone Metaverse is a platform that enables users to explore and interact within various virtual environments and worlds, leveraging AI and Web3 technologies.
It offers a wide range of immersive experiences, including educational games, virtual shopping, business meetings, and art exhibitions, designed to transform fantasies into interactive realities.
Each virtual setting, from parks to city centers, is crafted to offer unique horizons of possibilities for both individual and commercial purposes. They also are building a gaming engine hence why i think they brought on the new advisors.
Launch: Sept. 2023
MC: $360k (at time of writing)
Circulating supply: 24%
Narratives: AR/VR, AI, Cloud, Gaming
Doxxed team: Former Disney, former Oracle, world class advisors.
Corporate Site: https://ozonemetaverse.io/
WP: https://ozone-metaverse.gitbook.io/whitepaper/
Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ozone-metaverse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPUDZ5C5ZP8&ab_channel=OzoneMetaverse
Tony Parisi is the Advisor that has me most excited
• Voted top peeps to watch in AR in 2020, the list has some heavy hitters.
• Authored 2 books on VR
• Tony is the Co-Creator of VRML
VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) is significant for metaverse gaming cryptos because it represents a standard file format for 3D interactive vector graphics on the web, providing a foundation for creating and sharing immersive, virtual environments. Its text-based format supports detailed 3D modeling, including vertices, textures, and animations, enabling rich virtual experiences.
Although superseded by X3D, VRML's principles and capabilities, like embedding URLs for interactive components and supporting Java or ECMAScript for added functionality, lay groundwork for developing complex gaming environments within the metaverse.
For detailed information, visit the Wikipedia page on VRML.
Some Con's
• Nobody is talking about them (WE EARLY BUT.. means maybe we wait...).
• Not much engagement in discord / twitter (they have answered all my question in TG but would like to see more activity)
•BSC Chain
I can overlook this as they are directly listed on MEXC/Bitmart and are built on FLOW blockchain which makes me very bullish.
They plan to launch the token on FLOW and other chains later.
Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VRML
Cointelegraph: https://cointelegraph.com/news/ex-vr-ar-lead-at-unity-joins-new-spatial-computing-cloud-platform-to-enable-the-open-metaverse-at-scale-ai-web3
Medium: https://medium.com/@ozonemetaverse/ozone-technologies-welcomes-tony-parisi-to-the-executive-advisory-and-strategy-team-7c4c09086fb9
People seem very bullish on @Autonolas $OLAS.
Why? Just because it's an 'AI' project?
Or because AI services will transform our lives, and @autonolas ensures 'we' control what AI services get built on and off-chain?
After days of research and lots of ☕️, I found this 🔽
In this thread
🔗The Lay of the Land
🔗The Solution
🔗The Adoption
🔗The Team
🔗The Tokenomics
🔗The Competition
🔗The Reasons 'Why Not'
🔗The Road Ahead.
🔗The Conclusion
(If you make it to the end, I will buy you a beer🍺)
🔗 The Lay of the Land
To understand @autonolas, we need to get the vision of CEO David: he acknowledges the endless potential AND the existential threat of AI services.
AI services will free people from routine cognitive labor and force them to find new, meaningful jobs.
Yet, the value created by these new autonomous fleets will be enormous and too much for any single entity to manage without systemic risks to the balance of society.
Orwellian scenarios could occur fast if one entity has control over what is deployed and for what purpose.
David's solution: Co-owned AI.
Yes, AI. Owned by many.
So, you mean like a DAO?
Kinda. They are alike. Collectively operationalized. Devloped decentralized. With its governanace democratized
Yet, in their curent form, DAOs are not autonomous. Nor decentralized.
Because DAOs rely on smart contracts that rely on transactions to function.
Even if smart contracts represent AI Agents, you need entities (aka people) to sign transactions on the blockchain.
Look, smart contracts are fantastic for simple, transactional tasks. (ex yield payouts, etc).
Yet, they cannot:
1️⃣Do things that require expensive processing.
2️⃣Run continuously
3️⃣Interact with the off-chain world
Also 🔽
Crypto protocols mainly do two things:
▶️Implement their own chain to solve issues of other chains
▶️Add functionality to the chain (ex DEX).
Both approaches leave a big gap for a tech that connects both the on-chain and off-chain worlds.
And there was @Autonolas...
🔗The Solution
The goal of the $OLAS protocol is to unlock the potential of off-chain services (read: autonomous services that run off-chain but interact on and off-chain, without constraints)
Before @autonolas, this wasn't possible! (degens; Ah, first mover😜!)
These autonomous services are groups of AI agents that form networks to create a (autonomous) service. They:
1️⃣Run continuously
2️⃣Take action autonomously
3️⃣Interact with the world outside of blockchain
4️⃣Run complex logic
To be clear, they don't need us to function. Huge!
Btw you might wonder: What exactly are AI agents? (I did)
Here is a definition:
'AI that acts in an intelligent manner; It perceives its environment and takes actions autonomously in order to achieve goals.'
It is just smart software acting on its own.
Back to @autonolas.
@Autonolas tech stack includes:
▶️Autonomous services (as mentioned)
▶️Composable autonomous apps.
▶️On-chain protocol that secures agent services and incentives development.
Let's discuss them individually.
▶️ Agent Services
Now it gets awesome
The AI agents that make up these services can pull data from any AI model in the world. Every GPT, LMM, or subnet. (yes, also $TAO)
Via service orchestration, specific models are assigned to certain agents.
The selection is determined by a few factors, such as economic viability, availability, and performance.
Every agent can use different data sources (more decentralization).
In some cases, knowledge graphs are even distributed via Origin Trail or through the graph via GraphQL.
Agents can be used to perform many Web3 tasks:
1. Oracles - Agents can be utilized to provide accurate data to smart contracts
2. Autonomous keepers service (AKS) - Adds off-chain computing and reasoning to DeFi jobs.
3. Via ACN, AI agents can communicate to work in teams.
▶️ Composable autonomous apps.
Another awesome thing.
The tech stack is built to encourage composability.
Coders can build basic applications that can be used as building blocks for more sophisticated AI agents. All open-source.
(I will get back to this in a bit)
▶️ On-Chain protocol
@Autonolas built an on-chain protocol (set of smart contracts) that functions like an app store:
It lets developers register and monetize their services. It allows those services to interact economically, and members vote upon the rules.
Enough technicalities; what types of services are we talking?
The big thing is that although the primary focus is DAOs, these services can be deployed in the 'real' world as well.
Think plantation stations using IoT sensors or AI agents use data to trigger watering jobs.
Back to DAOs.
A DAO has internal operations (ex, payroll, governance) and service delivery (ex, yield aggregator).
AI agents do all these things
* Better
* Faster
* Autonomously
What other types of services could AI agents improve?
* Managing liquidity pools
* Prediction markets
* Asset acquisition
* Oracles and bridges
* Taks fulfillment
Leveraging AI, @autonolas allows for creating services that radically increase the performance of stuff.
Let's take prediction markets, for example.
With @autonolas, you can create AI agents that scan for entities that make predictions using GPT4 in order to increase your win rate.
There are already AI Agents with a win rate of 88%
And these AI agents keep improving...
Future use case:
1️⃣With @autonolas, an insurance service is created (for farmers)
2️⃣A group of people start running AI agents that execute that logic
3️⃣A farmer registers for that service and pays an annual fee
4️⃣That farmer wants a payment because of seasonal losses.
5️⃣Every agent on the network gets climate data from different AI models trained by SMEs (subject matter experts).
6️⃣Agents share data with each other, validate, and vote to reach consensus leveraging ACN and MAS.
7️⃣Payment is made if the request is in line with the data.
This use case displays the uniqueness of Autonolas.
Open autonomy is a new standardization framework for creating autonomous services. This enables agent services that are blockchain native and decentralized to work in teams as multi-agent systems (MAS).
Fun fact: CEO David created the first open-source, crypto-friendly MAS network called the open-aea framework.
This framework allows AI agents to communicate, interact with blockchains, smart contracts, and implement business logic.
Agent communication is done through the Agent Communication Network (ACN), based on messages, where the target is always a wallet address.
This process is facilitated by temporary blockchains that connect consensus gadgets (CG). For now, the tendermint nodes are used as CG.
Finally, @autonolas enables both ensemble AI and networked AI.
Ensemble AI:
Within a service, each node can run its own AI (LLM, etc). Each service can be comprised of many AI models. They can communicate, and with their combined intelligence, they reach consensus.
Networked AIs:
Services themselves can consume each other's services (read: leverage each other's intelligence).
It opens the gates for collaboration and standardization.
Economies of scale, but for AI. Economies of AI.
But Thomas, do AI agents even need blockchains?
Well, yes. Why?
Because it allows agent services to scale. Centralized AI agents that use banks to store their allowances simply cannot be done in a scalable way.
Let alone the monetary censorship as a consequence.
Thus, smart contracts are necessary for abstracting out the business logic, removing the need for human oversight.
Because of the open-aea framework, and AI agents having their own safes and public addresses, the scaling of AI agents is possible.
Also: no monetary censorship!
🔗 The Adoption
First, the # of transactions made by AI Agents is already more than 200.000
Second, use cases are:
▶️Prediction agents (@OmenETH)
▶️Smart funds (@Balancer)
▶️Watchtowers (@CoWSwap)
▶️Wallet management (@safe)
(Thanks @DistilledCrypto)
Third, some other stats:
▶️224 services created
▶️22 agents created
▶️155 components created
Conclusion: Adoption all over.
🔗The Team
CEO David Minarsch is a Cambridge alum, holding a Ph.D., who set up the AI agent division at @fetch.ai (great communicator, btw).
At @Valory, the company behind $OLAS, there are currently 16 people working.
Big 🧠 leader, good sized team.
🔗The Tokenomics
The tokenomics are complex and innovative.
The CEO's background is in Game Theory; the tokenomics design shows it.
The tech is open-source, and developers are needed. But, developers are scarce.
So, @autonolas created a flywheel to attract them.
First, Let's explain the flywheel, which aims to incentivize developers to create useful code.
Developers create code and register those as an NFT (Important note: The DAO decides if the code is passed)
This code can then be used as a Lego block in an autonomous service.
Services receive donations when used.
Because of the NFT, it can be traced back to the developer who created it and will receive rewards through (code, capital) emissions.
These emissions represent 10% of all the inflation @autonolas will release
Uh, code/capital? 🔽
Another goal of @autonolas is to pair code and capital.
They do so by leveraging a bonding mechanism to grow the capital in the form of Protocol-Owned Liquidity.
Holders of $OLAS can provide liquidity on a dex (ex OLAS-DAI) and stake those LP tokens for discounted $OLAS.
The bonding program will channel the other 90% of all emissions.
It is inspired by $OHM.
But @autonolas created a mechanism to prevent hyperinflation.
Epochs are gated by a DAO vote that accepts a list of bonding tranches that are based on an algorithm.
The discount is determined by the difference between the market value permanently staked and the current market value of the LP.
If the price of the asset nukes, bonding rates turn negative, which artificially taper inflation.
Code, Capital goes as such:
Autonomous Services are minted --> users of services grow the treasury --> donations from veOLAS holders to services --> Useful code contributions are rewarded --> Developers are happy and start coding new stuff with a face like this 🤑.
@autonolas aims to have three main revenue sources:
1️⃣Autonolas Protocol-owned Services: profits from donations
2️⃣Protocol-owned liquidity: all profits go to the DAO's treasury.
3️⃣Limited amount comes from voluntary donations from third-party services.
The $OLAS token utility:
1️⃣DAO governance. Usually, this utility sucks. In this case (deciding what AI gets built), it is vital!
2️⃣Can be locked for whitelist access and extra incentive top-ups
3️⃣Buy LP tokens for bonding.
All three support the long-term growth of $OLAS
Yes, the % allocated to the team is high, ngl.
Yet, the team allocation is locked until 2026.
Also, the team isn't a VC, eagerly waiting to dump on investors after unlocking.
So, they might consider the protocol's health when the tokens unlock by not unloading aggressively.
🔗The Competition
@Autonolas codebase is a fork of the codebase of http://Fetch.ai.
What makes @autonolas unique is the on-chain protocol combining code and capital. It supports innovative MAS systems, interoperability, and a communication network using blockchains.
🔗The Reasons 'Why Not'
Well, I think the biggest hurdle is getting the flywheel going.
First, attracting developers that make cool shit that people use.
Then, attracting capital to the protocol so that the rewards for developers can be increased.
And so on...
🔗The Road Ahead
@autonolas is currently focusing on:
1️⃣ Build-A-PoSe: allows to build protocol-owned services
2️⃣ Triple Lock: an upgrade to the protocol that improves bonding, dev rewards, and staking.
3️⃣ Network expansion via AIP 1
4️⃣ cosystem partner network.
🔗The Conclusion
I really, really like @autonolas.
Yes, we are here to make money. Nothing wrong with that.
But AI will provide massive opportunities.
And big threats for us humans.
Now, I am just smart enough to make that realization.
Luckily, there are people smart enough who are actually building to counter these threats.
Don't get me wrong. @autonolas is building something very useful as well.
But aren't those the best companies? Who build cool shit and are good for humanity?
Kinda rare in crypto.
Giving people a way to vote ensures their voice is heard in a post-modern society that utilizes AI to do the majority of labor for nearly all tasks, is very important.
(in all transparency, I invested in $OLAS)
Brb, buying more...😜
Special thanks to @PPLSOPTIMISMCEO for co-authoring this thread.
I think your mission to educate people about AI is very important. I have learned a ton from your tweets and spaces and would recommend everybody check him out to learn about the necessity of co-owned AI
The interest derivatives market is 400 trillions dollars (!).
Yes, you read that right.
@pendle_fi was the first project attempting to bring that market on-chain.
Yet, it might be @RevestFinance that brings in the institutions and opens the floodgates.
Here's why…
The Opportunity
Pendle made a fantastic product with clear product-market fit (190m TVL) and pioneered the tokenized yield movement.
Yet, there product seems mostly suited for retail investors due to the slippage as a consequence of their AMM model.
Their total liquidity currently is 9m, which is nothing for an institution.
$RVST decided to innovate...
The Solution
First the technicals: $RVST created a product called Resonate, where the ERC-1155 standard is used to represent financial positions (fNFT). Resonate is at its core a peer-to peer lending protocol.
How it works:
Step 1: User creates a vault, offering a certain (expected) APY.
Step 2: Issuer: deposits asset and receives interest upfront. Yes, upfront.
Step 3: Two fNFTs are created. One for the principal, one for the yield.
Step 4: Purchaser pays the upfront issuer wants in exchange for the yield fNFT.
1. DeFi protocol creates a vault on the Resonate platform offering an expected 20% APY.
2. Institution (bought bonds but realized those are basically shitcoins) so wants 10% upfront (for simplicity: 10k investment)
3. Degen is used to ponzi’s and feels like 20% is doable so buys the fNFT for $1000.
IF the vault realizes the 20% (by farming the issuer deposits):
Institution is happy with 10% upfront.
Degen makes a 100% return. Yes, a 100% return!
This means:
Liquid staking opportunities for Issuers and Purchasers.
Liquidity retention for Farms.
No slippage and impermanent loss.
Aligned incentives.
The horse looks amazing. How about the jockey?
The Team
- $RVST has a fully doxxed team consisting of 11 people.
- Have been building for two years.
- They recently hired Jeannie Tse (ex ABN AMRO and Centrifuge) as Head of BD.
- Have a list of reputable partners Open Trade, Frax Finance, Yearn, GMX and Velodrome.
The Adoption:
$RVST has little TVL. Yet, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t demand.
$RVST chose to niche down with a #RWA focused product, targeting TradFi institutions. Specifically, offering tokenized T-bills. I am bullish tokenized T-bills, because we finally know where 'the yield comes from'.
A small number of clients means high volume and revenue. There are rumors about one client bringing in 10m/month volume and 500k revenue.
Recently, Open trade announced a partnership with WOO X to offer asian investors access to tokenized T-Bills. One of platforms they use? Resonate!
So, the adoption begins..
The Roadmap / Catalysts
The V2 of Resonate is coming out at an ‘opportune time’. Hé @RobAnon94 BTC is at 34k! V2 will make their product more customizable, secure efficient and decentralized.
The Risks:
Obviously Pendle is the first mover with more TVL and attention. They also started offering a RWA product (although that is not really a RWA product).
That said, I do think that the combination of a unique value proposition, different target audience and marketcap size makes @RVST the better R/R bet.
Gud coin
In all transparency: I got a bag of $RVST
@KaspaCurrency completes Satoshi Nakamoto's vision of blockchain by solving the #Bitcoin Trilemma.
The tech of #Kaspa is groundbreaking and the team is one of a kind.
In this post:
1. Vision of Kaspa
2. blockDAG
3. PHANTOM protocol
5. Use Cases
6. Applications
7. Tokenomics
8. Founder / Team
9. Community
10. Conclusion
1. Vision
The vision of Kaspa is to complete Satoshi‘s vision of a peer-to-peer (decentralized) cash system.
Satoshi wasn’t able to achieve his vision with #Bitcoin as it rather became a store of value / electronic gold.
Kaspa sees itself as the digital silver.
Kaspa stands for silver and money in Aramaic. Silver is less precious and rare as gold but is more eligible as a currency.
2. blockDAG
While conventional blockchains have a linear block order, blockDAG is acyclic allowing blocks to reference multiple previous blocks.
Therefore multiple blocks can be created and confirmed simultaneously allowing for faster transactions and potential scalability.
3. PHANTOM protocol
PHANTOM can distinguish between properly mined blue blocks by honest nodes and red blocks created by non-cooperating notes deviating from the mining protocol.
It consists of a three-step-procedure:
1) Through the structure of blockDAG well-connected blocks get recognized as blue blocks. At the same time it excludes blocks by misbehaving nodes (red blocks).
Blue blocks are updated through time. They are excluded from the set of blue blocks when they only reference old blocks or they are withheld by their creator.
2) Blocks from a cluster (well-connected) are being favored, while blocks outside are penalized.
3) The order of blocks includes the order of transactions. Transactions in the same block are ordered after their appearance in the block. Transactions get accepted in this order as long as they consist with earlier accepted transactions.
With the implementation of PHANTOM NP-hard problems need to be solved. GHOSTDAG with its greed algorithm solves the problems. It also allows for blocks by attackers or less trusted blocks to be put later in order.
Therefore no blocks get discarded but instead they are being labeled as blue or red with blue blocks getting prioritized.
GHOSTDAG makes the KASPA blockchain secure because its ordering of blocks gets exponentially harder to reverse with time.
5. Use Case
KAS is there to complete Satoshi‘s vision of a decentralized P2P cash system with a currency which won't inflate in the future (max supply 28.7b).
Kaspa completes the vision with the same level of security as BTC while being scalable and faster (~400tps).
Transactions are visible after 1s and confirmed after 10 seconds perfect for real word adoption / payment.
When Kaspa reaches 100bps it will be able to handle more transactions than Visa and Mastarcard together.
On the recent testnet it has reached 10bps.
future → 32bps → 100bps
6. Applications
Possibly the only real point of criticism there is to raise about #Kaspa:
There are no Smart Contracts or Rollups integrated to the blockchain yet.
However when they come Kaspa will be the most complete blockchain out there. 🤩
7. Tokenomics
KAS fair-launched in November 2021 meaning no pre-mining or pre-allocation of coins in any kind.
So Kaspa is 100% decentralized, open source and managed by the community.
Max supply is 28.7b with 20b in circulation with a 900mil marketcap. (as of August 2023)
The emission schedule halves once per year via monthly reductions. 👇
8 Team:
The founders @Avivz78 and @hashdag (Yonatan Sompolinsky) are one of the earliest crypto developers and crypto OG‘s, working on Bitcoin‘s consensus back in 2010.
YS is the brain behind Ghost, Spectre, Phantom, GhostDAG and now the improved version DAG Knight.
YS is mentioned in the whitepapers of $ETH, $DOT, $IOTA, $AVAX and much more. @plzsats 👇
Some also speculate that YS could be Satoshi himself. @phoenix_gems47 👇
There also is @MichaelSuttonIL.
He is the core developer and co-author of the DAG Knight protocol.
@DesheShai is also an important part of the team. He is the GhostDAG co-author.
Their consensus protocols from the past and the present are being used throughout the whole space.
9. Community
The community is growing fast and is especially enthusiastic about the project. There are also prominent ct names in the Kaspa community.
I know a large number of people for whom $KAS is their biggest investment/highest conviction play.
from July 11th 2023
10. Conclusion
Do your own research before investing.
For me KASPA is a project you don’t want to miss out even at a current marketcap of 900mil.
here is a quick overview by @fitforcrypto_ 👇
Website: https://kaspa.org
Whitepaper: https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/104.pdf
Socials of Kaspa:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaspaCurrency
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/kS3SK5F36R
Telegram: https://t.me/kaspaenglish
Medium: https://medium.com/kaspa-currency
Some account worth mentioning to learn about $KAS
If you liked this post go and give Pekay a follow ♥️
15 Altcoins for the bull run.
Sorted by market cap.
Save this list and come back in 1 year!
1. $KAS - mc 2.7B
@KaspaCurrency is the first blockDAG and it solves the blockchain trilemma. Awesome.
It already had a huge run, so I don't expect a 100x anymore.
But high-caps are less risky and are great for big money you don't want to lose.
2. $TAO - mc 1.2B
Bittensor is the leader of AI-coins.
It's AI infrastructure like ChatGPT.
If you're searching for a pretty sure thing that will make many more Xs, this is it.
3. $SUI - mc 580M
@SuiNetwork is a L1 and smart contract platform to make digital asset ownership fast, private, secure, and accessible.
If you compare Total Value Locked with price you don't have to be a prophet to look into the future.
4. $FET - mc 400M
@Fetch_ai is for building, deploying and monetizing AI services.
AI will be one of the leading narratives of the bull run for sure.
5. $QUBIC - mc 270M
@_Qubic_ uses a Proof-of-Useful-Work consensus mechanism.
Instead of solving mathematical puzzles like Bitcoin, it employs AI training tasks, such as processing datasets or machine learning.
The energy consumption of PoW for useful tasks - how cool is that?
6. $NAKA - mc 120M
@NakamotoGames is a gaming hub with 200+ games and already 650,000 registered users.
Gaming will be another leading narrative of the bull market.
Wait for a dip, NAKA pumped hard recently.
7. $ZEPH - mc 77M
@zephyr_org is an untraceable stablecoin protocol.
Privacy is an important narrative in crypto and the price of $ZEPH is bound to the demand for the stablecoin $ZSD.
Higher demand, higher price (like $LUNA).
8. $DNX - mc 70M
@dynexcoin is a platform for neuromorphic computing based on a protocol using Proof-of-Useful-Work with unparalleled performance:
Frontier (World's fastest public Supercomputer):
37,000 AMD Instinct 250X GPUs
Dynex Platform: 500,000+ GPUs!
9. SPACE - mc 50M
Bitcoin is a narrative itself - remember Ordinals? My timeline was orange for months.
@mvcglobal is the only decentralized, fair launched L2 solution for $BTC.
Smart contracts and scalability on Bitcoin!
10. CHNG - mc 55M
@FinanceChainge is the most liquid cross-chain aggregated DEX for 50+ chains, and the migration from CEXs to DEXs is a sure thing for the future.
11. RIO - mc 50M
Real World Assets (RWA) means the tokenization of tangible assets that exist in the physical world, that are brought on chain (e.g. real estate).
@realio_network is a leading project in this narrative with a strong community. One of my 100x bets.
12. NEOX - mc 17M
@NeoxaNet is a decentralized blockchain for gamers, developers and miners with a Play2Earn model, coin burning, SmartNodes for fast transactions, and GPU-friendly PoW mining.
It's supporting popular titles like Rust and GTA. Gaming will be a huge narrative.
13. ROKO - mc 11M
@RokoNetwork is fair launched and pioneering a decentralized digital AI economy, integrating robotics and Internet of Things devices seamlessly.
Looking for a small cap in the AI-narrative? Here you are.
14. TOAD - mc 10M
@Toad_Swap is a DEX with strong fundamentals and tokenomics.
While DEX is already narrative on its own, there is even a revenue-sharing mechanism here.
That means, as a token holder, there is passive income - another hot topic!
15. ONI - mc 10M
@onino_io is a Layer 0 platform that uses a multi-layer DAG-blockchain hybrid concept and Proof of Adaptive Coverage (PoAC) consensus with 100,000 TPS Capability, built for Web3 Enterprise.
Sounds impressive? It is.
To be fully transparent, it should be noted that I am invested in most of these projects myself.
Follow the @themarcojo for more.
If you can’t control GREED, it will steal all your profits
To stay in command, you need an exit strategy
Here is my exact BLUEPRINT for taking profits in the bull run:
I want you to come up with a crystal clear exit plan for this bull market.
I will show you my LONG TERM strategies for taking profits:
➠ For small altcoins MC <10M
➠ For medium alts 10M < MC < 500M
➠ Variations for bigger alts > 500M
➠ For BTC / ETH / SOL
💎 Gems starting below 10M MC
Take 25% off the table after: 5x 20x 60x 120x …
5x from initial, 4x from there, another 3x, etc.
Dump -50% = close 50% of remaining
Another -50% dump = sell it all
🔹 Medium caps 10M< X <500M
Take 25% after: 5x 10x 20x 40x
First TP at 5x, next ones ofter 2x from prev
Dump -50% = sell 50% of the remaining stack
Another -40% = close it all
🔷 Exit plan for bigger alts
Take 25% on every 5x from initial price: 5x 10x 15x 20x, etc.
Closing 50% at the -40% dump, and the rest after another -40%
🔷 Bluechips variation for some top100 coins
Take 25% after 5x
Ride the trend, until the end
Trend reversal = sell it all
More about riding the trend in a sec
➠ Each Take Profit % is relative to REMAINING position size
➠ Taking profits on the way UP and on the way DOWN
➠ Converting profits to BTC, ETH & SOL, unless BTC > 100k
➠ Parameters are adjustable, but always write your targets
Let’s take $ADA with average entry $0.05
It made 60X from there to the peak
Using the strategy for Medium Caps you end up with $16,750 pure profit
“But I could have made $59,000 profits!”
WRONG! Most likely you would:
➠ sold to early
➠ cope and risk more
➠ ride all the way down
Greed is a b7tch!
It’s gonna be a combination of fixed price targets and riding the trend.
I’m planning to DCA out on my subjective levels with part of my bags
For the rest, I have combination of specific exit conditions (3 of 5)
I will ladder out 30% - 50% of my bags at following levels:
BTC - $80k - $110k
ETH - $8000 - $11,000
SOL - $1000 - $1200
The rest is riding the trend, until the end.
(with few more selling points along the way)
💠 Ride the trend
There are many trend indicators available:
Money Line that I’m using (by Ivanontech)
Larsson Line
monthly RSI
on-chain signals (e.g. NUPL)
Write down your exit conditions!
Once the trend reversal is flashing, I’m gonna sell 90% of my bags
Also, get rid of any altcoins that are left
It requires a decision - I WILL SELL NO MATTER WHAT
Euphoria will hit hard! Commitment is necessary!
• Open spreadsheet - name it EXIT PLAN
• Write your TP levels for each bag
• Set alerts in the tools
• Make it before the euphoria hits
• Commit to the plan and execute like a machine
You’ve made it, legend!
Now is the time to make it count.
Remember - any strategy is better than none! Make your own!
Consider smashing that repost button if you find this valuable.
Follow @TomNifty for more!
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